Written By
Dr. Ir. Thierry Deruyttere
Dr. Ir. Dusan Grujicic
Written on 28/08/2023

Next Generation Chatbot

Keywords: Natural Language Processing, Deep Learning

Apart from assisting businesses with their AI projects, we're also working on our own AI endeavors. One of these projects is our next-gen chatbot. Our chatbot uses state-of-the-art AI solutions to look through the contents of your website, including attached documents such as PDFs, and provide instant, human-like answers to your customer's questions. No need for flowcharts or decision trees! Furthermore, our easy-to-use solution can be seamlessly integrated into your website with two lines of code. You can also fully customize your own chatbot's visual style to match your company's branding! Below are some more features of our chatbot solution.
🌐 Multi-Lingual By Default
Say goodbye to language barriers and easily connect with your customers from around the world. Our chatbot is designed to be multilingual by default, making it a breeze to communicate with customers in their preferred language. Even if your website is only available in one language, the chatbot can still communicate about it with customers in other languages.
💻 Perfect For Code Documentation
With our chatbot, your visitors don't just get a better understanding of your code, they get personalized help with their problems. Our chatbot can interpret code examples from your documentation, and even help visitors troubleshoot their issues in real time. Plus, with our autoscaling feature, the chatbot window scales in width to make reading code pieces easier.
📚 Provides Sources For Its Answers
Our chatbot knows all the content on your website and can provide instant, accurate answers to your customers. Plus, it's not just about providing answers - our chatbot also gives links to where it found the information, making it easy for your customers to verify the source.
In a nutshell, our chatbot solution addresses the pain points of website owners and businesses by enhancing the user experience and improving visitor engagement on their websites. It offers real-time assistance, meaning that customers can get immediate answers to their questions or assistance with their inquiries without waiting for a human response. This reduces customer frustration caused by long response times or the inability to find relevant information on a website. The chatbot's multilingual support feature also helps businesses cater to a diverse customer base, overcoming language barriers and ensuring effective communication. Furthermore, the chatbot's ability to extract information from PDFs streamlines the process of accessing and retrieving specific information, saving customers time and effort.